Our Board and Governance

Our Board & Governance

The Tasmania Association of People with Disabilities And Their Advocates Inc, is an Incorporated Body, and operates under  Associations Incorporation (Model Rules) Regulations 2017, Department of Justice, Tasmania.


The Association is required to submit a Return to the Department of Justice, Office of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading, after the Annual General Meeting is held each year.

We are governed by a Committee of Management that is comprised of Participants, parents/carers, volunteers and Management representatives.

Our Committee of Management

The Committee of Management of the Tasmanian Association of People with Disabilities And Their Advocates Inc has an important role to:

  • ensure a safe and high quality standard of care is provided to the people who use its services known as Aurora Disability Services;

  • ensure the volunteer status of the organisation assumes its legitimate place among other related service agencies in the disability industry;

  • ensure that staff are prepared with appropriate knowledge, skills and values to meet requirements and standards of practice as articulated by the Association; and

  • encourage staff to demonstrate high standards of conduct and competence, and recognise and value the importance of the partnership the Association has with its participants and the general community.

Brian Morton

President (Volunteer since 2008)

Brian began his association with Aurora Disability Services in 2008, supporting students in the Aurora Learning Centre in literacy and numeracy. Brian’s assistance was instrumental in supporting Trainees with online aspects of their hospitality training, working alongside to carefully introduce and guide them through computer processes to successfully undertake online courses.   

Brian’s teaching background is vast, being a teacher of music appreciation and religion in Melbourne at a private secondary school, an emergency primary and secondary teacher with the Victorian Education Department, an ESL tutor with the Victorian Education Department, and a teacher of unemployed people with TasTAFE in Tasmania.

Brian was also a Technical Officer with the department responsible for VET training in Tasmania, and a Quality Assurance Officer with the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority.

Qualifications: Brian is the parent of an adult daughter with disabilities. He has an extensive educational background and has been a long term supporter of Aurora Disability Services.

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Sue Johnston

Senior Vice President (Volunteer since 2005)

Sue is very passionate about her involvement in Aurora Disability Services. After volunteering to work a number of days as an Assistant Support Worker within the many programs and activities offered, she became interested in commitment to the TAPDATA Committee of Management, accepting a variety of roles on the Executive Committee including Treasurer and Secretary, and being re-elected on a number of occasions. Sue has fulfilled her many roles efficiently and conscienciously. Her volunteer roles have been varied across the cottage industry, Club tea, dances, excursions, holiday activities, tutoring, catering and fundraising. 

She is a very versatile volunteer and assistant support worker, and her dedication has contributed to the ongoing success of the Aurora Annual Anzac Biscuit Bake, as well as many other fundraising events.  Sue was previously employed by the Department of Education, and also volunteered for the Royal Hobart Hospital for 10 years.

Sue works hard for our organisation, and provides a wonderful sense of friendship to all. She is a Life Member of the Association. She was nominated by Aurora and has been recognised by Glenorchy Council for her valuable volunteer work in the City of Glenorchy.

Qualifications: Experience with disability. Volunteering with Aurora in varied roles including as a respected Executive Member of the Committee of Management.

David Williams

Junior Vice President (since 2010; Participant since 2010)

Until a couple of years ago David resided in his own unit in Glenorchy but when his health and wellbeing deteriorated he moved into a supported residential with Li-ve Tasmania. He attended Snug Special School then worked at Tahune enterprises in the Huon run by Oakdale Services.

David has been attending Aurora for a number of years, and undertakes a range of activities within the Cottage Craft Industry and hospitality training. He also enjoys Club Tea nights, the Aurora Karaoke Dance, and is a respected member of the Committee of Management. 

Qualifications: He lives disability daily. He attends many Aurora activities sometimes travelling from Kingston to attend. He is an NDIS participant.

Valerie Manson

Treasurer (Volunteer since 1988)

Val has been involved with Aurora since its establishment in 1988. She is an amazing support, having previously worked as a full time volunteer for many years at COSMOS (now Mosaic), a recreation and sporting service for people with disabilities, and also assisted in the coordination and management of the Stroke Club of Tasmania. She was a devoted aunty and occasional carer to two of her sister-in-law’s children with developmental disability. More recently she has become grandmother to a grandchild with Down Syndrome who is also battling Leukemia. Val has a sporting and fitness background and was a qualified Fitness Instructor.

Val’s previous employment was as an Office Assistant for a large Hobart company, and she has extensive experience on Committees.

Val volunteered for many years as a Supervisor at The Old Chapel Tea Rooms, where she assisted trainees to undertake their Hospitality Certificate 1 training, allowing a focus on abilities as they showcased their skills to the public.

Val was awarded Life Membership of the Association in recognition of her wonderful dedication and commitment to Aurora, and its services.  She was nominated by Aurora and has been recognised by Glenorchy Council for her valuable volunteer work in the City of Glenorchy.

Qualifications: Experience with disability. Volunteering with Aurora in varied roles including as a respected Executive Member of the Committee of Management.

Brenda Pinnington

Secretary (Volunteer since 2000, retiring 2023)

Brenda is an amazing volunteer who has contributed over 23 years volunteering time to Aurora Disability Services, and has fulfilled all her roles with commitment and a sense of purpose.

It was only last year that Brenda retired as a Supervisor of the Monday Tea Rooms Crew at The Old Chapel Tea Rooms.  In this role Brenda supported Trainees undertaking Certificate 1 Hospitality Training, assisting them to showcase their learned abilities in a public setting.  Brenda has also assisted at many fundraising events, and is famous for her egg and bacon pies at Thursday night Club Teas where she also regularly volunteered to provides meals over many years.

Brenda contributes advice and wisdom as a respected member of the Committee of Management , Tasmanian Association of People with Disabilities And Their Advocates (TAPDATA).  She was awarded Life Membership in 2011 in recognition of her amazing contribution to Aurora, and was nominated by Aurora and recognised by Glenorchy City Council for her valuable volunteer work in the City of Glenorchy.

Qualifications: Experience with disability. Volunteering with Aurora in varied roles including as a valued Member of the Committee of Management.

Robyn Millington

Committee Member (Volunteer since 2001)

Robyn is a Life Member of TAPDATA, and recognised for commendable services to the organisation for almost 20 years.  Robyn is a Parent/Carer of an adult daughter with Down Syndrome who attends other services. Her daughter is an NDIS participant. 

For many years Robyn volunteered throughout the week at Aurora Disability Services, supporting trainees with their daily tasks within our cottage industry, as well as providing educational tutoring in the Aurora Learning Centre encouraging language, literacy and numeracy. Robyn has helped with many fundraising events, and as well has been Santa’s main helper at Christmas events for many years. Robyn has committed herself to assisting in the development of Aurora and has contributed unselfishly and efficiently to a number of Executive positions on the Committee of Management. She was nominated by Aurora and has been recognised by Glenorchy Council for her valuable volunteer work in the City of Glenorchy.

Qualifications: She lives disability daily and has first hand experience as a Volunteer with Aurora Disability Services.  She is a respected member of the Committee of Management.

Joy Cairns OAM

Founder and Managing Director (Ex-Officio Committee Member)

Aurora was established in 1988 by Founder and Managing Director of Services Joy Cairns OAM to meet a need not being met at that time in provision of services for disabled people. Mrs Cairns has two severely intellectually disabled adult children, and was also the Founder of COSMOS Inc (now Mosaic).

Joy loves to walk in the bush, enjoys music, loves working in her garden, searching the markets for bargains, researching family history and reading.

Angelique Payne

Executive Officer (Ex-Officio Committee Member)

Angelique can help you with anything and everything to do with Aurora Disability Services!

Since 1988 Angelique has helped Aurora Disability Services provide support and care to many hundreds of people with disabilities of all ages and their families and carers within Hobart and its suburbs,  and around Tasmania.

Angelique has established strong community links to a wide range of excellent services and resources for people of all ages with disabilities, and their support networks. She is highly regarded by other service providers,  government agencies both state and federal and business and professional bodies.

When she is not working or spending time with family Angelique  loves the beach, a good book, cake decorating, being a foster carer to her foundling dogs, catch-up dinners with her friends and some peace pottering in her garden.

Maree Johnston

Committee Member (Volunteer since 1988)

When Maree retired from her family business “Swan Lake Pavlovas” she offered her services to Aurora and became a member of the Committee of Management.  She is a keen quasi-horticulturalist and has assisted at many fund-raising functions giving beautiful plants to sell, and has provided her own home garden for gardening sessions with our participants. Maree has always provided flowers for special events such as Anzac Day.

After her mother died, along with her other sisters, for many years Maree supported and shared the care of her sister Lorraine until her passing. Lorraine had Down Syndrome and a severe learning disability. Maree continued her volunteer work with Aurora, and has helped with garden fetes, car shows and fairs, and also assisted at a large number of catering engagements, such as annual Flower Shows, Doll and Bear Fairs. Maree continues to support our monthly Aurora Karaoke Idol Disco nights. 

In recognition of her outstanding contribution to Auorra, Maree was awarded Life Membership of the Association.   She was nominated by Aurora and has been recognised by Glenorchy Council for her valuable volunteer work in the City of Glenorchy.

Qualifications: Experience with disability. Volunteering with Aurora in varied roles including as a respected Member of the Committee of Management.

Richard Howroyd

Committee member (since 2023; Volunteer since 2019)

Richard offered his services as a volunteer to Aurora in 2019, and has provided wonderful support to Trainees within our Community Access programs, assisting their skill development in a range of activities.  

Richard also assists with general upkeep and maintenance duties around Mill Lane, which is extremely helpful. 

In more recent times, Richard has embraced the organisation’s new partnership with Guilford Young College, in our adoption of their vegetable gardens.  The area, in need of much care and revitalisation, is gradually being transformed into a produce garden, and Richard supports Trainees in tending to the vegetable beds, pruning fruit trees, watering, weeding and general work within the garden area.  

Richard is a solicitor, and prior to his retirement owned his own legal practice.  A keen sportsman, Richard is also part of the local German Choir and volunteers with Landcare.

Richard was this year elected to the Committee of Management and we are very grateful for his valuable assistance. 

Chris Hallett

Committee Member (since 2022; Participant since 2006)

Chris is a valued member of the Aurora family, having enjoyed a long association. He lives with his wife Judy in Moonah.  

Chris attends a range of activities, and very much enjoys being part of the Aurora TenPin Bowling League every Sunday, also competing at a Club and State level. Attending our community access and day support programs, Chris undertakes Certificate 1 Hospitality Training, and in 2022 was proudly promoted as a crew member to The Old Chapel Tea Rooms. The independent living skills training that Chris undertakes, greatly assists his independence on the home-front.

Chris is very generous with his time, and is always one to offer help – be it for a fundraising event, or washing up after morning tea.  His assistance is always very much appreciated.  

Qualifications: He lives with disability daily and also supports his wife with disability. He enjoys many Aurora activities. Chris is a DSOA Participant.  

Matthew Hortle

Committee Member (since 2003; Participant since 1998)

Matthew has a long history with Aurora, and prior to his commencement knew many Aurora Participants from his school years.   

Matthew attends a range of programs, and very much enjoys the variety of activities provided. In previous years Matthew has actively undertaken hospitality training and was a valued crew member at the Old Chapel Tea Rooms. In more recent years Matthew has enjoyed programs at Mill Lane.  

He is a great ambassador for the Organisation, often undertaking the role of spokesman at in-house events. Matthew has often supported our fundraising efforts, offering assistance where he can.  

Qualifications: He lives with disability daily. He enjoys many Aurora programs and activities. He is an NDIS Participant.  

Alisha Hunter

Committee Member (since 2022; Participant since 2021)

Always very caring and considerate of those around her, Alisha is a determined young woman who lives independently.


Alisha joined the Aurora TenPin Bowling League in 2016, and in 2021 commenced Aurora’s Community Access/Day Support services. Alisha takes part in Aurora’s programs and activities, including Certificate 1 Hospitality Training which she loves.  When commencing this training, Alisha’s goal was to become a crew member at The Old Chapel Tea Rooms, and she has recently accomplished this proud achievement.


At the 2022 Aurora TenPin Bowling League State Championships, Alisha was awarded the inaugural Virginia Cairns Memorial Medal, recognising excellent sportsmanship, friendship and care for fellow team mates. 


Qualifications: Living with disability. She is an NDIS Participant.

Darcy Inglis

Committee Member (since 2020)


Darcy, uses his experience in ASX listed entities, Travel, I.T., Real Estate, Veterinary and Human Healthcare to support businesses nationwide who may need some additional support.

Darcy's broad experience as a General Manager in multiple fields puts him in a unique position to see systems and processes from a different perspective, and to seek solutions that are unique and may not be front of mind for a business owner specialised in their field.

Darcy has proactively built strong relationships within the Hobart business community by networking with like-minded professionals. Most recently, Darcy’s energy has seen him move into business consultancy providing support and assistance to business owners across multiple sectors including:

  • Human Resources
  • Payroll audit and/or assistance with Fair Work audits
  • Accreditations and Quality Audits (NDIS, NSQHS and similar)
  • Implementation of systems and procedures
  • New or existing technology projects
  • Training and development 

Experience & Accolades 

  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) 
  • Fellow of the Australian Association of Practice Managers (FAAPM)
  • Australian Association of Practice Manager Certified (CPMAAPM)
  • Justice of the Peace (Qualified, QLD)
  • 2016 Diploma of Practice Management (Victoria University)
  • 2013 Diploma of Management (Franklyn Scholar, VIC)
  • Bachelor of Business Degree (James Cook University)
  • 7+ Years of Business/ General/ Development Manager Experience
  • AAPM Tasmanian Committee Member
  • 2018 AAPM National Australian Practice Manager of the Year
  • 2016 AAPM Practice Manager of the year finalist
  • Published in 'The Practice Manager' (National)
  • 2011 Service Excellence Award (Launceston City Council)

Caroline Morton

Committee Member (Volunteer since 2008)

Caroline has been a volunteer with Aurora Disability Services for over 12 years. She is a parent of an adult daughter who has recently left her direct care, and is now residing in a group home setting. Caroline takes every opportunity to personally advocate for people with disability and attends many agency and public forums to keep abreast of issues effecting the lives of people of all ages with disability.

She is a registered nurse and midwife. She has volunteered in the past for Community Based Support and the Hobart Women’s Centre and has been a ‘host family’ parent.

Caroline has represented this organisation on numerous occasions. She is a very kind, considerate and generous person, donating many items towards our raffles and fundraising events. She was nominated by Aurora and has been recognised by Glenorchy Council for her valuable volunteer work in the City of Glenorchy.

Qualifications: She lives disability daily and has first hand experience as a Volunteer with Aurora Disability Services.  She is a respected member of the Committee of Management.

Bob Schnierer

Committee Member (Volunteer since 1988)

Bob has been involved with Aurora since its establishment in 1988, and for approximately 10 years previously through his association with mutual charitable organisations and government services for people with disabilities, their families and carers.

A compassionate man, Bob has tirelessly advocated for people disadvantaged by disability and has demonstrated throughout his career his personal commitment to their welfare.

Bob is a progressive and innovative thinker, and an encouraging mentor always willing to assist through his expansive knowledge and wealth of resources.

His effective management style is well respected and has culminated in the establishment of many successful and productive business services for people with disabilities within Southern Tasmania.  

Bob has willingly been a committed member of Aurora as both a volunteer at our monthly Karaoke Idol dances, and as a member of our Committee of Management, providing us an immeasurable contribution over many years.  

We are truly grateful to have such a committed member and industry leader on our Committee of Management.  

Phil Randall

Phil Randall (Committee Member since 2023) 

Phil joined the Association’s Committee of Management in 2023, after his approach to offer assistance.  


Phil operates a consultancy called Sage-ist Consulting. Sage-ist is a boutique consultancy providing business performance coaching, executive mentoring and program and project management services. Phil is an active member of the mentoring community in Australia in his roles as a volunteer mentor with the Rare Birds organisation and The Hive Collective. Phil is a Certified Project Director and Certified Project Trainer with the Center for Project Innovation.  

Phil’s philosophy is to ask “What are we doing well” that can be improved, understood and built upon, as opposed to “What’s going wrong”.  


Phil has an accounting background, and a post graduate diploma in project management.  He is currently engaged by Solstice Energy (formerly TasGas) on a strategic retail project, in addition to being a partner in a start-up, Sirona Health, focussed in the health and wellness space.  


He has worked extensively in the corporate world, and has used his wealth of experience to mentor start-up businesses. 


Prior to starting Sage-ist in 2017, and after a varied 20+ year career in Pulp & Paper, Phil spent almost a decade in the startup space, playing a key role at both LiveTiles, and then The Yield, as a founding employee.


A committed family man who enjoys time with his grandchildren, we are very pleased to welcome Phil as a member of the Committee of Management.

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